
Clarification for Sat Meet

Hello Rapids families. I wanted to clarify the most recent email sent out regarding the protocols for Saturday's meet. First and foremost, it is always our goal to provide a safe, friendly and supportive atmosphere for personal growth, sportsmanship, community, competition, and FUN! Our priority is always to provide as much opportunity as possible for kids to be in the water. 

The New Paltz Seahawks is a very large team, and managing capacity in the pool is especially challenging this year since we are limited both with the parking and with the space we can use outside the pool due to the meet falling on the same day at the Rosendale Street Festival AND a private party booked on site. We are asking for our families to be understanding and patient with us and to please remember that this is 100% volunteer-run. Our board puts in countless hours both on and off season to make this a positive experience for our swimmers. 

The Rosendale Rapids swim team rents space from the town of Rosendale pool. We have to comply with the capacity limits set by the county for pool use. We can only have approximately 450 patrons inside the pool. We will have 225 swimmers present at the meet. While we do ask for "all hands on deck" participation at home meets, meaning if a swimmer is participating in the meet, that the family will volunteer, we are also required to comply with the regulations set forth for capacity in the pool. These are not our restrictions or our rules. Numerous meetings have been held the last two weeks between the town of Rosendale, the Rapids Board and our DUSO reps and board members. The Town of Rosendale has been very supportive and we all have the shared goal of finding solutions so that this meet can take place. 

I deeply apologize if anyone was upset or offended or feels that their swimmer should not attend. That was never my intention. If anyone has questions or concerns, please reach out.


Keri McArdle
Rapids Board President

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